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Algoma University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, you will be required to reach out to our Academic Support Officer. For contact details, visit

Algonquin College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessWaiver required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Enter your email address and the reason you are looking to retrieve course outlines using the drop-down menu.

Once in the database you can search by program or by course code.

If searching by program, select the academic year in which you were enrolled in the course. To download a PDF of the course outline, click View next to the outline you require, and it will open an HTML page. From here, select the Print icon on the top right side of the screen, then using the Destination drop-down menu, select "Save as PDF". 

Collège Boréal


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, students are required to reach out to the Registrariat office at

Brock University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, you will be required to reach out to the department that offered those program courses to request this information. Our full list of contact information for each department can be found at

At Brock University, course syllabi are considered intellectual property and may only be used for the purpose of a credit assessment.

Cambrian College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessN/A

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Canadore College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessNone, available to public.

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Carleton University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Centennial College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To obtain course outlines for completed courses, please contact the Program Co-ordinator or Success Advisor in the department or school in which they were offered. Our full list of contact information for department/school/unit can be found at

Confederation College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, please email and we will direct your inquiry to the appropriate Academic School.

Conestoga College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Students can download a copy through the Conestoga student portal. If you no longer have access, please email CurriculumPlanning& to request a copy of the outline. Students must provide the course name and number and their Conestoga student number. Providing the semester that the course was taken would also be helpful.

Durham College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessLogin required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please logon to using your Durham College student ID. The Course Outlines link is located under the heading Registration. Select the subject from the drop-down list, type the course number, and then click Search.

Fanshawe College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessWaiver required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To request Fanshawe Course Outlines:

  1. Go to:
  2. Complete the access form
  3. Once in the Course Outline system:
    • Filter by Academic Year & Program Name/Code to find course outlines for an entire program, or
    • Use the "Search" function to find Course Outlines for specific courses
  4. Once the list of courses appears, click on the "Add to Cart" button next to each course required
  5. Click on "Go to Cart"
  6. Click on "Check Out Now"
  7. You will receive an email with a link to each of the Course Outlines requested

First Nations Technical Institute


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page or you can access this information at

Georgian College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course outlines, you will be required to fill out the and submit to the Registrar’s Office email

George Brown College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve the course syllabi / course outlines for programs at George Brown College, students can use the provided link to search for their year(s) of study, program, and can either search for the specific course code or search through the program’s listing of courses. All course outlines available through this service are provided on a best efforts basis.

If the course outline you require is not available through this service, please contact the school providing the program. As well, similar courses may be available by searching other years. Additional section specific information, including the topical outline, may be available from the instructor, department, and/or the course Blackboard.

University of Guelph-Humber


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

For the University of Guelph-Humber, course outlines can be found at To request a copy of a course outline prior to 2014, please contact

University of Guelph


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, you will be required to reach out to the college/department that offered those program courses. Certain colleges/departments may have course outlines available online (i.e., Family Relations & Applied Nutrition). Our full list of contact information for each college/department can be found at:

University of Hearst


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Click the program name to display the list of offered courses. Mouse over the course code to display the course description. In addition, you can consult the University directory by clicking the following link :

Humber Polytechnic


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please visit our outline page, then search the course name or code and select the year of the course outline.

Collège La Cité


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

In order to obtain course syllabi/outlines, you must contact the Admissions and Registrar Office directly at

Lakehead University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Lambton College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Laurentian University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Loyalist College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course outline, students are required to reach out to the school offering the applicable program courses.

McMaster University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Students need to contact program departments for requesting course syllabi. For contact details, please visit (See Departmental Contacts under Faculty Advising). Students will be able to connect with specific departments who should have access to current/historical documents.

Mohawk College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessWaiver required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Complete and submit the to receive access to the Course Outline Viewer. Use the program filter or search area to find the course outlines you need. General Education, Co-op and Service courses can only be found using the Search by Course Code or Title feature. Once you check out, course outlines will be sent to the email address provided in the information page.

Note: If the e-mail does not arrive, please check your SPAM or JUNK e-mail folder. For courses taken prior to 2015, refer to Access Course Outlines instructions.

Niagara College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Course outlines are provided in PDF format by Niagara College through our Course Outline Lookup tool located here: You will need to know the Course Code and the Term that you completed the course.

If you require assistance locating your course outline, please email

Nipissing University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Northern College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessRequest form required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Student can email complete Course Outline Request form to Retrieved course outlines will be emailed to the student upon payment.

OCAD University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course outlines, please email the appropriate faculty office.

University of Ottawa


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Course outlines/syllabi may be available through the institutional platforms (UOSyllabus, Simple Syllabus, Brightspace, Teams, Adobe Connect). Individual instructors may have to be contacted to retrieve a copy of their syllabi/outline. For further contact details, please visit

Queen's University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Students are to reach out to the department that offered the course and ask for the most recent syllabus available.

Toronto Metropolitan University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, you will be required to reach out to the department/school that offered those program courses. Our full list of contact information for department/school can be found at: 

Sault College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Course Outlines are organized by Program. Click on the program folder name to display course outline PDF files in that folder. Then click on the applicable Term and Year you took the course.

Seneca College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Students select their program, and then click on the "courses" tab. Students will then select the course they would like to retrieve the outline from. Students will be brought to a page with a brief description of the course. For full, detailed outline, students must select appropriate term and School and the full, detailed outline will be populated.

Sheridan College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for access

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Search tips:

  • Enter the course code (subject code + course number) OR select a program from the list (not both).
  • Choose the term and year.
  • Click "Search" to see the most recent version of the outline available in that term.

St. Lawrence College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course outlines and syllabi (called "Learning Plans" or "Appendices" at SLC), you will be required to reach out to the Academic School (for Kingston campus) or to Student Services (for Brockville and Cornwall campuses) that offered those program courses. Our full list of contact information can be found at:

Fleming College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course outlines, you will be required to submit a Course Outline request form to the Office of the Registrar. You can access the form and submission instructions on the Transcript and Course Outline Request webpage:

St. Clair College


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

St. Paul University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, you will be required to reach out to the Faculty, by email, that offered those program courses.

The email addresses are:,

University of Toronto Scarborough


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

University of Toronto Mississauga


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessLogin required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Login to the using your official UTORid and choose the Session (e.g. Fall 2017) and Department (e.g. Biology) in which you completed the course. Download the syllabi from the appropriate row in the "Action" column. Be sure to pay close attention to the Meeting section if there is more than one.

If you cannot recall your UTORid and password, please reach out to our Service Desk (905-828-5344 or email

University of Toronto St. George


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Please reach out to the institution to find the most up-to-date process for collecting course syllabi. Contact information for institutions can be found on the institutional profile page.

Trent University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessLogin required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

Trent University students and alumni can access course syllabi from 2017 and later, through the Syllabus Catalogue in the Older syllabi can be accessed through the University Archives.

Ontario Tech University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To access course syllabi, please reach out to the professor who taught the course or to the academic advising office to obtain a copy. Find professor contact details here:

University of Waterloo


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To request a copy of a course syllabus, students may contact the administrative coordinator or the chair of the department where the course is offered. Department contacts for each of the faculties are listed here:

Western University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? Yes

If Yes, where? (URL)
Requirements for accessLogin required

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course outlines from our school, you will need to go to the Academics section of your Select the Course Syllabi link to search based on course term, subject and course number.

Alternatively, many departments make this information available on the Department website. Course descriptions can also be ordered from the

Wilfrid Laurier University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

For all requests, please include your name, Laurier ID (if known), course code and the term you completed the course.

University of Windsor


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve course syllabi, you will be required to reach out to the department that offered those program courses. Our full list of contact information for departments can be found at:

Note: Please contact the Transfer Credit Coordinator in the if you are experiencing significant delays in receiving the course outlines.

York University


Can previous students of this institution retrieve course syllabi/outlines online? No

Procedures for retrieving course syllabi at this institution

To retrieve your course outline/syllabi, you will be required to reach out to the Faculty that offered those program courses. Our full list of contact information for courses offered by Faculty departments can be found at