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McMaster University

Transfer Advisor

Prospective students please connect with one of our Student Services Professionals via CHAT.


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  • Check out the following resource to learn more about credit transfer at McMaster University: 

  • Review the admission requirements for all programs at McMaster University:

    • (required grades and GPA’s, as well as course requirements vary from program to program and source diploma/degree. Review the admission requirements for all programs at McMaster University by selecting the appropriate Academic Background and program of interest using this tool)
  • The minimum grade/average required to transfer a course to McMaster University varies by program and source institution. For college applicants, transfer credits are not awarded to students if the program cumulative average is below 75% or if the individual course grade achieved is below 75%. University applicants must have a grade equivalent to the McMaster University grade of “C-” for individual courses to be considered for transfer credit.

  • View McMaster University’s pathway opportunities and equivalencies here: 

    College/University Pathways and University Credit Transfer Consortium

  • McMaster University awards advanced standing, specified (equivalencies) and unspecified credits in recognition of previous learning.

  • The amount of transfer credit you can receive is limited by McMaster University's residency policy. The policy states that in order to obtain any four or five-level, first undergraduate degree, you must complete 60 units of work, beyond the first-level, including the final level, at the University.

    To obtain a three-level, first undergraduate degree, you may satisfy the residence requirements either: by completing the final level and at least one other level (a minimum of 60 units of work) at McMaster University or by completing the final level (approximately 30 units of work) at McMaster University, and at least 18 units of program-specific courses. All the work for a second bachelor’s degree must be completed at McMaster University.

  • All currency considerations at McMaster University are made on a case-by-case basis, each case is considered individually on its own merits for the program desired. The appropriate Faculty will determine if transfer credit is granted for courses not recently completed.

  • Follow these steps in order to receive your PLAR assessment at McMaster University:

    • McMaster University does not grant PLAR credits. Credits granted by another institution on the basis on PLAR are not transferable to McMaster University.
  • Not applicable.

  • Transfer credits will be recorded on your McMaster University transcript with a grade of "T" and will not be included in GPA calculation.

  • Contact a McMaster University Transfer Advisor to discuss your credit transfer inquiries:

    • Prospective students please connect with one of our Student Services Professionals via CHAT.
  • Familiarize yourself with McMaster University’s official credit transfer policies:

  • Follow these steps in order to receive your transfer credit assessment at McMaster University:

    • When McMaster University receives a program application from OUAC and all accompanying, required/supporting documentation is submitted, that applicant will automatically be assessed for transfer credit for all previously attended postsecondary institutions. There is no additional transfer-credit-specific application.
  • There is no fee required for a transfer credit assessment at McMaster University.

  • The documentation required to have your previously completed postsecondary education assessed for transfer credit at McMaster University includes:

    • Official transcript(s)
    • Course outline(s) may be required upon request
    • English Language Proficiency Test may be required if applicable
    • An applicant-specific requirements checklist will be available on your Mosaic Applicant Portal after your OUAC application is submitted and processed
  • An application form is not required at McMaster University. Applicants who have previously attended a postsecondary institution are automatically assessed for transfer credit.

  • Transfer credit is automatically assessed at McMaster University. Applicants must disclose all previous postsecondary education when applying to the University. Official transcripts submitted directly to McMaster University from the issuing institution are required for transfer credit assessment. All required supporting documentation should be submitted in accordance with the deadlines associated with your program and semester of admission. These deadlines can be found here:

    Evaluation of all possible transfer credits available at the time of admission must be completed within one year of the date of admission to the University.

  • Transfer credit decisions at McMaster University are generally provided with your offer of admission. From time to time transfer credit assessment may not be done until final, official transcripts are provided.

  • A transfer credit decision can be reviewed/appealed at McMaster University by contacting the Office of the Registrar, Admissions. You should be prepared to supply detailed course syllabi, supplied by your previous institution(s), for courses that you would like to have reviewed. endeavours to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding credit transfer; however, changes and updates to transfer opportunities happen on an ongoing basis. Students MUST check with the institution directly before applying to any program.