Program Transfer Search
Police Foundations Diploma to Honours Bachelor of Police Studies
Where Are You Now?

Fleming College
Discipline: Personal, security and transport services
Credential: College Diploma (2 year)
Program Title: Police Foundations
Where Do You Want to Go?
Georgian College
Degree Qualifications: BHSer(Hon) - Honours Bachelor of Human Services
Discipline: Personal, security and transport services
Credential: Degree (4 year)
Program Title: Bachelor of Human Services - Police Studies
Transfer credits / courses
Semesters Remaining
Course Equivalencies Granted
Up to 60 credits (20 courses over 4 semesters) will be awarded.
Graduates of a Police Foundations program are eligible to apply.
Minimum Grade for Admission≥ 60%
Pathway Requires Previous Program Graduation Yes
Bridging Requirements have not been defined for this pathway.
60 credits (20 courses) plus 2 coop work terms must be completed at Georgian College to qualify for the degree.
Language of Instruction
Cancellation Policy
The transfer agreement shall be continuous from year to year. Any participating institution may withdraw from this transfer pathway if notice is provided to ONCAT and the partner institutions at least 12 months prior to the date on which the institution will withdraw. Students enrolled in the receiving institution at the time of the notice of withdrawal will be given the opportunity to complete their studies based on the terms of the transfer pathway.
No additional pathway documentation available.
Contact / Apply
Office of the Registrar, Georgian College (705) 728-1968 ext 1511;
Last Updated: April 23, 2024