Program Transfer Search
Health Information Management to Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science
Where Are You Now?

Fleming College
Discipline: Health care
Credential: College Diploma (2 year)
Program Title: Health Information Management
Where Do You Want to Go?
Conestoga College - Doon Campus
Degree Qualifications: BHIS(Hon) - Honours Bachelor of Health Information Science
Discipline: Health care
Credential: Degree (4 year)
Program Title: Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science
Transfer credits / courses
Semesters Remaining
Course Equivalencies Granted
Transfer credit will be granted for the first two years of the Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science program with the exception of the following courses: Information Systems l, Governance & Structures of HC Systems, Information Systems ll, Programming Concepts l, Solving Problems in Hl, Clinical System l, Database Concepts ll, Health Informatics l, Professional Communication, Programming Concepts ll, and Database Concepts lll. These courses must be completed in addition to the regular year 3 and 4 courses. Year 3 and 4 credits will be granted for Epidemiology Populations & Public Health, Management & Org Behaviour, Project Management, and Breadth Elective l. Credit will be given for 1 of 2 co-op terms.
Graduates of a diploma in Health Information Management with a minimum B average may apply for advanced standing into the Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science degree. Once they are given an offer of admission by Conestoga College, applicants must successfully complete a Bridging Module consisting of 1 week of full-time studies at the end of August before beginning full-time studies in September. The Bridging Module consists of a 45 hour course comprised of lectures and a project. Students enter into a modified year 3.
Minimum Grade for Admission≥ 65%
Pathway Requires Previous Program Graduation Yes
Bridging Requirements have not been defined for this pathway.
Advanced standing students must successfully complete Years 3 and 4 and 1 co-op term.
Language of Instruction
Cancellation Policy
All Conestoga pathways will have a default review date of three years from the date of implementation. Pathways may have a shorter review date if substantive curriculum changes are made to either the sending or receiving program. Students enrolled in the receiving institution at the time of any change or notice of termination will be given the opportunity to complete their studies based on the terms of the transfer pathway in effect at the time of their enrollment.
No additional pathway documentation available.
Contact / Apply
Program Information: Health Informatics | Applied Health Information Science Degree (
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Last Updated: September 11, 2024