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Recherche de transfert de programme

Practical Nursing to Nursing

Où êtes-vous actuellement?

Centennial College

Discipline : Soins infirmiers

Titre de compétences : Diplôme d'études collègiales (2 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Practical Nursing

Où souhaitez-vous aller?

Trent University

Qualifications correspondant à un grade B.Sc.Inf.(Spéc.) - Baccalauréat en sciences infirmières spécialisé

Discipline : Soins infirmiers

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (4 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Nursing

Transfert de crédits / cours


Semestres restants 6

Accordé 5.00
Total 20.00

Équivalences de cours accordées

Students graduating from the Practical Nursing Diploma program in the past five years will receive the following 5.0 transfer credits:

  • 0.5 NURS 1000H - The Individual as Nurse
  • 0.5 NURS 1002H - Introduction to Foundational Practice Concepts
  • 0.5 NURS 1020H - Clinical Practice in a Residential Setting
  • 0.5 NURS 2000H - Health Promotion and Population Health
  • 0.5 NURS 3021H - Clinical Practice Focused on Chronic Diseased Management
  • 0.5 BIOL 1050H - Human Anatomy 
  • 0.5 PSYC 1020H - Introduction to Psychology Part 1: Experimental and Biological Bases of Behaviour
  • 0.5 unassigned Nursing credit at the 2000 level
  • 1.0 unassigned Arts credit at the 1000 level

Transfer credits for students who began studies in the Practical Nursing Diploma program more than five years ago will be awarded on a course-by-course basis.


To qualify for this agreement, students must have:

  • Successfully completed Centennial College's Practical Nursing Diploma within the last five years;
  • A minimum overall average of 75%;
  • Registration in good standing with the College of Nurses of Ontario. This requirement will be waived for students who enter the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours) within six months of graduating from the Practical Nursing Diploma program. 

*Additional notes: Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours) is competitive. As a result, meeting the terms of this agreement does not guarantee admission to the program. Students meeting the terms of this agreement who do not gain entry to Nursing are eligible to pursue a Bachelor of Science (Honours). All successful applicants are required to obtain and submit non-academic requirements by deadlines provided by the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing. Detailed information is available at 

Note minimale requise pour le cours (le cas échéant)


Note minimale pour l’admission≥ 75%

Le parcours exige l’obtention d’un diplôme dans un programme antérieur Oui



Conditions de résidence dans le programme

Students must complete the following 15.0 credits to fulfill requirements for the Nursing degree:

  • 0.5 NURS 1001H - Nursing as a Profession
  • 0.5 NURS 1550H - Introductory Life Sciences for Health Professionals
  • 0.5 NURS 2001H - The Family in the Community
  • 0.5 NURS 2003H - Nursing Therapeutics and Disease Control
  • 0.5 NURS 2020H - Community-Based Nursing Practice, or NURS 2022H - International Placement - Central America**
  • 0.5 NURS 2021H - Family Focused Practice**
  • 0.5 NURS 2031H - Quantitative Research for Health Care Professionals 
  • 0.5 NURS 2550H - Advanced Life Sciences for Health Professionals
  • 0.5 NURS 3000H - Experiencing Acute Illness
  • 0.5 NURS 3001H - Living with Chronic Disease
  • 0.5 NURS 3004H - The Nurse as Leader and Advocate 
  • 0.5 NURS 3020H - Clinical Practice Focused on Acute Care**
  • 0.5 NURS 3031H - Qualitative Research for Health Care Professionals
  • 0.5 NURS 3550H - Pharmacology for Health Professionals 
  • 1.5 NURS 4020C - Independent Nursing Practice A**
  • 1.5 NURS 4021C - Independent Nursing Practice B
  • 0.5 BIOL 1051H - Human Physiology
  • 0.5 PSYC 1030H - Introduction to Psychology Part II: Social and Personality Perspectives 
  • 0.5 credit from the following:
    • 0.5 NURS 3560H - Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
    • 0.5 PHIL 2390H - Biomedical Ethics
    • 0.5 PSYC 3560H - Family Development
    • 0.5 PSYC 3750H - Health Psychology
    • 0.5 GESO-SOCI 2430H - Sociology of Gender
  • 0.5 Nursing credit from Advanced Topics Group 1*
  • 0.5 Nursing credit from Advanced Topics Group 2*
  • 0.5 credit from the Approved Indigenous Course List
  • 0.5 elective credit at the 1000 level or beyond
  • 0.5 elective credit at the 2000 level or beyond
  • 1.0 elective credit at the 3000 level or beyond

*Additional notes: 

  • One asterisk (*) indicates advanced topics courses and two asterisks (**) indicate clinical courses. 
  • The Compressed Nursing program takes place over 28 consecutive months. Students study in all three terms (fall, winter and summer) in Years 1 and 2, and only in the fall term in Year 3. Students interested in pursuing the Collaborative program instead complete studies over four years, with the option to complete in three-and-a-half years. Students pursuing the Collaborative program will have a lightened course load but are not able to fast-track the program. Both programs are only offered on a full-time basis. 

Degree requirements are subject to change. Refer to the most recent version of the Academic Calendar for course descriptions and degree requirements ( Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for courses for assistance with degree planning ( 

Pour plus d’informations sur les politiques de transfert universitaire et de transfert de crédits, notamment sur les conditions de résidence, veuillez consulter le profil de l’établissement.

Langue d’enseignement


Politique d’annulation

The agreement will be reviewed annually, or sooner in the event of major curriculum changes in either partner’s programs. This agreement may be terminated by either party. In this case, notice of one year is required. In the event of termination of the agreement, every effort will be made to ensure that students currently enrolled in the program will not be affected.


Aucune documentation supplémentaire n’est disponible sur les parcours.

Contacter / Faire une demande

Dernière mise à jour : July 10, 2024